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Quote of the Day
Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far. - Theodore Roosevelt

@chennai94 on Discord

Check these artists out
Billy Joel Mitski Bruce Springtseen Bob Dylan

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my history
This is the history page.

Come back later! We aren't entirely open yet!


This was the first commplete year of adulthood. The world was in a flux state. It oddly felt like 2020, and I felt sentimental for the pain I felt eons ago. Leap years are very interesting in that regard.


I defied all of my expectations and still overcame. I graduated high school during this time and turned 18.


This year was amazing and I tried many new and important things, but at times it was turbulent. Especially during the very end.


The year started off as bleak as 2020. It ended with light and hope and a voice calling me home.


The great lockdown happened during this time. I thought the world would die here, but it refused to. The election campaigns of Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, and Donald Trump raged on - but no one really won.


During this year I began high school.


I started listening to Mitski sometime during this year.


I spent the bulk of 2017 toying around with old Roblox clients. Such as Graphictoria, Finobe.. Nowadays, they make old Roblox clients for this point in time. How time flies.


This was when I uploaded most on the BloxBuilder YouTube channel. My goal was to become a YouTuber to be the size of DanTDM, Thinknoodles, and Stampylongnose. My plans were unable to materialize that soon.


Luckily enough, I still know people from this point in history. I remember this time period for it's rosy memories.

During this year on August 30th 2014 I created my Roblox account. I have had the same one since 2014.
This was the year in which I discovered computer programming. Using the Scratch engine, I programmed various video games, recreations of operating systems, and chatbots.

I share a birthday with President Herbert Hoover. Roy Marlin Voris died on this day too.